Back to Mac Miner

FabulousPanda's MacMiner

Running bfgminer, cgminer and cpuminer (minerd)
at the command line on Apple Mac OS X


- Download MacMiner and put it in your Applications folder
- Open the Terminal in the Utilities folder and type:
cd /Applications/
press enter, then type


- Download MacMiner and put it in your Applications folder
- Open the Terminal in the Utilities folder and type:
cd /Applications/
press enter, then type


Example command:
./sgminer -k Lyra2REv2 -o stratum+tcp:// -u VqNkiWJHJQUnk2F2Mn4K366YcUEBqPaGN4 -p x --no-extranonce --no-submit-stale -I 11
-k is the algorithm/kernel, Lyra2REv2 is used for Vertcoin among others
-o is the pool address and port
-u is the worker username (on P2Pool nodes this is the payout address)
-p is the worker password (on P2Pool nodes this can be anything)
--no-extranonce is required to make this work for some pools
--no-submit-stale is required to make this work with some pools
-I is the intensity value - higher hashes faster but may cause your system to become unresponsive. Start with a lower value and increase if necessary.
-k algorithm options: Credits, Scrypt, NScrypt, Pascal, X11, X13, X14, X15, Keccak, Quarkcoin, Twecoin, Fugue256, NIST, Fresh, Whirlcoin, Neoscrypt, WhirlpoolX, Lyra2RE, Lyra2REV2, Pluck, Yescrypt, Yescrypt-multi, Blakecoin, Blake, Sia, Decred, Vanilla, Lbry and Sibcoin

cpuminer (minerd)

- Download MacMiner and put it in your Applications folder
- Open the Terminal in the Utilities folder and type:
cd /Applications/
press enter, then type

You can also download just the backends without the MacMiner app Please support FabulousPanda by checking out our latest creation:
De Stijl Art Factory


Basic Usage

Setting up FPGA/ASIC devices


About the pool

Compiling from source

If you don't find what you're looking for here, please check the forum

If you like this app, please support development by donating:
BTC: 12vZf8mjaXvHorXWVWfv7nZspHa8L8kfoG
LTC: LLRqwo3YcLqoRyfZRVmUevtd2Y35Vvnt4w

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