FabulousPanda's MacMiner
Running bfgminer, cgminer and cpuminer (minerd)
at the command line on Apple Mac OS X
- Download MacMiner and put it in your Applications folder
- Open the Terminal in the Utilities folder and type:
cd /Applications/MacMiner.app/Contents/Resources/bfgminer/bin
press enter, then type
- Download MacMiner and put it in your Applications folder
- Open the Terminal in the Utilities folder and type:
cd /Applications/MacMiner.app/Contents/Resources/cgminer/bin
press enter, then type
Example command:
./sgminer -k Lyra2REv2 -o stratum+tcp://pool.vtconline.org:9171 -u VqNkiWJHJQUnk2F2Mn4K366YcUEBqPaGN4 -p x --no-extranonce --no-submit-stale -I 11
-k is the algorithm/kernel, Lyra2REv2 is used for Vertcoin among others
-o is the pool address and port
-u is the worker username (on P2Pool nodes this is the payout address)
-p is the worker password (on P2Pool nodes this can be anything)
--no-extranonce is required to make this work for some pools
--no-submit-stale is required to make this work with some pools
-I is the intensity value - higher hashes faster but may cause your system to become unresponsive. Start with a lower value and increase if necessary.
-k algorithm options: Credits, Scrypt, NScrypt, Pascal, X11, X13, X14, X15, Keccak, Quarkcoin, Twecoin, Fugue256, NIST, Fresh, Whirlcoin, Neoscrypt, WhirlpoolX, Lyra2RE, Lyra2REV2, Pluck, Yescrypt, Yescrypt-multi, Blakecoin, Blake, Sia, Decred, Vanilla, Lbry and Sibcoin
cpuminer (minerd)
- Download MacMiner and put it in your Applications folder
- Open the Terminal in the Utilities folder and type:
cd /Applications/MacMiner.app/Contents/Resources/
press enter, then type
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