FabulousPanda's MacMiner
Compiling from source
The MacMiner source code is available on Github
The github project includes an Xcode project file. Assuming you have Xcode installed, download the project and double click that file and the MacMiner project will open in Xcode. Once it loads up you should notice a 'Run' button near the top left of the window - press that and the code will be compiled and the app will open attached to Xcode. To export your copy of MacMiner choose 'Archive' in the 'Project' menu and when the archive shows up export it, ideally signed with your own developer ID. If you encounter any problems following these steps, please raise an issue on the Github project or on the forum
The source will be updated to each major release version and there is an older branch of the code with support for Mac OS 10.6+, which has a few little features removed such as the pop up help windows.
Compiling the backends (bfgminer, cgminer, sgminer and cpuminer) for macOS from source
You can use the backends on Github or compile them yourself. Use Homebrew, a package manager for Mac, to install their dependencies and compile bfgminer, cgminer, sgminer and/or cpuminer from their respective github pages. When a backend has issues compiling for macOS, I publish the alterations necessary and submit a pull request to their source for better future compatability, so if you have any trouble compiling the backends I use from source check their repository pull requests and issues for solutions to the problems or check the fabulous panda github for my forked versions. Sgminer in particular I have forked and created two branches for, one for the nicehash version and one for the tpruvot version.
Please support FabulousPanda by checking out our latest creation:Running bfgminer, cgminer and cpuminer at the command line
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